saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Wednesday, October 27, 2004

long day,
cold day,
tiring day,
crap day..

had to present my sculpture thing today..
except that it wasnt finished..
REALLY wasnt finished..
damn, so embarrassing..
its taking too damn long to do lah
kinda getting sick of it man..
plus i dont have very many available workshop times left!
just tomorrow, half of monday, and tuesday!
cannot make it lah..
ideally, i should only be doing finishing work on tuesday,
but theres too little time on monday!
and i think im going to be too tired to do much tmr..
wah can die lah..
and the thing about this workshop room is that STEEEEVE
will CONFIRM lock it up everyday at 5pm SHARP lor..
so theres no chance of staying in there later to work on my own..
(like uma and i did with our film..)
so DAMN!
argh.. dunno how im gonna finish lah..
will pull through somehow,
but just dont think im gonna be very satisfied with it..
as it is, im already pretty unsatisfied with the ideas i have for the other 2 sections lah...

oh but hey..!
but uma gave me chocs!
whee! dark ones!
all wrapped up in a little baggie with a little ribbon!
how nice right..!
and STEEEEEEVE! was eyeing my chocs, i KNOW!
so i gave him one lah..
heh heh..
he's so nice..
but uma and i think he's uhm well..
just like that piece of wire he was holding..
i SO want to ask him,
but how? how do i bring up something like that..?!

heh but i think i could only get through the class presentations today cos uma was there..!
haha.. okay so i realise that in typing this, im not really going through any logical order,
so it may be kinda confusing huh..
but anyway, uma was in the workshops with us while everyone was presenting lah..
and it was really fun having her around man..!
telling her about my cute girl..
laughing at the class hooker..
boobs bursting all over the place and into your face
and her dress zipper looks like its exploded!
so.. pink banana anyone?


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