saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Tuesday, November 09, 2004

no, i have not died.
just been extremely busy, tired, and stressed.
oh yes, and i have no internet at home.

i have no idea whats wrong with it lah..
it just refuses to even dial the bloody phone line..
i think its something wrong with my computer..
cos it does work even if i change the phone line..
just for the sake of it, i tried to connect again yesterday..
it worked!!
but after i went downstairs to watch the simpsons,
which is why its even more frustrating lah...!

anyway, plenty's been happening around here..
was living in the workshop the last 2 weeks..
desperately trying to finish my sculpture thing..
well its done now..
and im not entirely happy with it..
but oh well..
at least its done yea?

thanks so much to uma and cake for all their help and support..
especially to uma who dug around in carlton gardens for me..
and went all the way to st kilda with me in the middle of the night just to get sand!
and for scrounging in the dustbins for all the eggshells
haha.. wouldnt have made it without all your help man..!
and of course to steve..!
for helping me cut up the boards and teaching me how to use the equipment and all..
haha and also for providing uma and i with all those interesting conversations..!

emerged victorious, with some battle scars..!
my hands are disfigured.. especially my right thumb man..
scratches everywhere.. sore and red around the knuckles..
little burn mark on left arm.. this one almost healed though..
but i have a worse burn on my right thumb..
freak accident with the glue gun..
heh okay, not really lah..
i dont really know what happened but i was left with a lump of plastic glue stuck to my thumb..
and i couldnt peel it off cos it would peel off my skin too..
besides, it was bloody painful man..!
and cos it was blistering underneath, the water bubble would burst..
under pressure of the glue lump..
and it would become wet
before sealing itself again..
and it would repeat all over again..
and sometimes a bit of the white and wet skin can be seen, if you pull back a bit of the glue..
and it was just gross lah..
anyway theres no more lump of glue there..
cos it was just in the way of everything and got caught everywhere..!
finally gave way when i was digging in my bag for some masking tape..
whole thing came off
and i wanted to scream..!!
oh well.. but now i cant really bend my thumb much
cos its kinda near my knuckle.. and it'll tug at the skin..
anyway apart from that, i have another older purple patch of thumb above that scar..
where i steamed myself!!
aiya, was holding my mug, and was pouring boiling water from the kettle..
and the steam coming out of the spout was just cooking my finger lah..!!!
so there you go.. my battle scars..

uma went back home yesterday..
and i miss her already..!
went home so early yesterday man..
early enough to watch the simpsons!
and early enough to run out again to the hardware store cos the shops were still open!!!
oh well, finally managed to get the lightbulb for my table lamp..!
anyway the point is..
now i have no uma to call!!
no uma to wake me up..!
no uma to spend 2 hours in the supermarket with..!
no uma to cook our famous pasta with..
and our noodle soup!
and our potatoes! and our mushrooms with cheese!
and our nasi goreng!
and erm, what else do we eat ah?
chicken and potato curry!
so sad lah..
this sweet little shit went and bought me the ladybug mobile that i wanted to get..!
hung it up next to the lanterns and B..
hehe.. i know i'll see ya when i get back to sg..
but its just not the same lah huh..
anyway have fun for deepavali yeah..?
too bad i cant join you..!
and dont forget your essay!!
thursday night hor..!
and dont forget the time difference okay..!
hehe take care..!

hmm for now, i shall just have to type fast enough so that i can get back in time to catch CSI and Cold Case..!
long overdue thanks to the buncha girls..
fiona, jas, liz, steph, usha, anna and ping..
and of course the guys as well..
mingwei, ben and kaf..
for all the LOVELY things inside the parcel..
i got it, finally..
some screw up with the post office lah..
aussie side of course..
but its true okay..!
heh i just have one question man..
okay so fiona told me the "friend for G" was a bee..
so it was kinda named B..
but then i realised after that that its actually a spider..!!
so do i still call it B??
haha.. just wanted your opinion right..?

okay okay.. i have to go!!
i only have 3 minutes to run home for csi!!
maybe i'll be back here tonight to update more..!!!
cos i still havent finished!!!
see ya!!


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