saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Friday, December 31, 2004

well well..
it seems i havent updated in a long time..
actually not at all this month cos i think the previous post doesnt really count.!
oh well..
i guess this will be my last post for the year as well lah..

anyway, this past month
so much has happened..

i went for the central australia trip..
and all on my own too!
so proud of myself..
met plenty of people
who i most probably wont meet ever again..?
or anytime soon at least..
so thats kinda sad..
but i dont regret it..
cos thats where i met ji..
this small girl from korea..
whom i ended up going to malaysia with..!
to penang and kuala lumpur we went..
and we rocked!!
it was the best trip i ever had..
loved every single bit of it..
so many weird things happened
its impossible to forget..
i like her attitude in life..
and the way she takes things..
trying to live a little more like her..
take on some of her philosophies..
will most definitely miss her..
but hopefully we meet up soon..
india 2006.. yes??

im halfway through my degree..
and i have no idea what im doing..!
have seriously contemplated stopping my studies..
or even changing my course..!
to something completely crazy..
well to me at least.. heh
business??? i know its completely off..
but i have been wondering why im studying what im studying..
you know what i mean??
spending all this money..
and its probably not even gonna help me in my future..?
all this art shit..?
i dunno..
but knowing the scaredy shit i am..
im probably not going to take any action..

which means i'll be spending next year,
the whole of next year in fact..
in melbourne..
not gonna be back for the hols..
and maybe not even christmas or new year..
which means i'll only be back in 2006??
how scary is that..
im scared just thinking about it..
i may just chicken out and come home early..

oh well.. its been quite a year..
have no idea what else to say..
dont really wanna reminicise..
just takes too much..
but to all whom i've offended or wronged..
sincere apologies..

hmm in any case..
best wishes everyone..!


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