saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Wednesday, December 08, 2004

where should i begin..?

i need to talk to somebody..
right now i guess..
face to face..

i left a farewell party about an hour ago..
the one thrown by coco..
at pelham street..

the one with everyone from the central australia trip..
well not really everyone, but close enough..

the one where i made 2 more friends..
2 cute girls diana and coco knew from the tasmania trip..
and i spent all of my time talking to them..

and then it was goodbye..
the one where it was really goodbye..

i dont think ive ever had a goodbye like this before..
i wasnt really emotional or anything..
but i miss them already..
its too upsetting just thinking about it..

i know i'll never see them again..
these nice people that i've travelled with for the past 11 days..

its such a pity..

and suddenly im alone again..
i dont want to be..
which is why i didnt go home..?
went to school to use the internet..
want to walk around..
but its 3am..
and im alone again..

there was one day..
one day of the trip where i was absolutely miserable..
and missing all my friends..
friends who i really wished were there with me..
who i just wanted to talk to..
like small shit..
and friends whom i went to OBS with..
like cheryl ou..
those were good times..

and so is this one..
but the saddest thing about it is that everyone is on exchange..!
so everyone's gone..!
and i'll never see them again..

i miss them already..


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