saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Friday, November 19, 2004

have started doing nothing..
well not that i havent done nothing before..
just officially..
its a cool word, officially.

had my one and only exam yesterday (wednesday)..
think it went EXACTLY as i expected
which means i should pass lah..
or some sort..

wasnt able to answer everything..
but i expected it anyway, so it was okay..
thought my essay was weird..
started to write like i was talking to my lecturer..
saying things like
"and so she was eventually killed by her own son, whose name starts with 'O'. (sorry i cant remember his name)"

i think the last time i wrote something silly like that in an exam
was in sec 2!!
the lousy home ec paper right..
asked for 2 methods of preventing coloured clothes from fading..
i only knew one lah, which was dry them inside out..
and i couldnt think of the second one, so i just wrote..
"use new Fab Total"
you all remember the advertisement right..
the 2 ah-sohs inthe obiang clothes.. haahaha

oh ya! you know i was so nervous about my paper i couldnt do anything man..
couldnt sleep
then couldnt study also
sheesh man!
so anyway, i brought like so many things to my exam!
i woke the socks my sis gave me..!
one of each pair..
(so i was wearing unmatching socks! one pink with hearts, one rainbow striped!)
and i brought the tiny brush my mom gave me..
and the mentos she gave me too..
and the watch my sis gave me..
and this little uhm wannabe flower pendant thing that i made lah..!
heh heh.. i dont think ive ever done this in my life before man..!

oh well..
went to the playground after the paper..
have been going there everyday for uhm about 4 days now
play on the swing..
heh its damn fun lah..

but i ended up going to the beach!!
was thinking about it while swinging
and then a buncha kids from some school came
(it was a really nice and hot day)
so i got off to let them play lah..
so i went all the way to st kilda!
(uma i think i never want to take 96 to st kilda again)
the tram took like an hour to get there lah..!
it would have been okay, cos i had my book..
BUT it was SO hot and STUFFY inside lah..!
and there was like so no space for my legs
and i was just about to die and kill myself from claustrophobia i tell you..!
got so agitated, and wanted to jump out of my seat and push the poor girl sitting next to me onto the floor!
but luckily she got off before i did that lah..!
and people started to get off, so it wasnt so crammed..
sheesh man..

it was okay at the beach i guess..
but i did wish that it wasnt so populated..
heh.. maybe just self conscious about sitting on the sand in the middle of nowhere on my own..

anyway, finally had my subway..!
so happy!

oh mildred, i wont be here for christmas..!!
im flying back on 10 dec lah..
what a pity..! are you not going back at all??
well anyway have fun okay..!

liz you know i was feeling bored just now..
so i decided to read your blog lah..! (and belle's!)
haha just thought id let you know..
that i still regard your blog as the most entertaining read!!
hahaa.. and belle's too man..
heh think its a quite a close fight

heh oh update on my little battle scar on my thumb..
think the thing was infected!
its been bursting open the past few days,
with the pus and all..
and yesterday, the WHOLE scab dropped off..!
and it was SO thick lah..!
and cos the wound was a hole ah..
NOW there's a hole again! since the scab fell off..
like a little burrow..
but not to worry..
it seems to be crusting up nicely.
except i cant help feeling a bit worried..
cos the crust is yellowish.. you know..
like pus-ish??

feels weird you know..
like i dont quite know how to talk anymore..
have been so.. so silent..
since rach and uma have gone back..
my mouth has just been so quiet..
and so i dont know how to blog properly too..
theres nothing to say!
im not only deaf, im mute!!

anyway, made ribena today
quite happy.


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