saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Friday, January 07, 2005

hmm i have blogged all but once since i came back from melb..
which is pretty ridiculous lah..!!
so im gonna try to update more often lah right..!!

heh so anyway..
went for nice indian buffet dinner last night at this
eat what you want pay what you feel
place last.. which was quite nice lah..!
food was like how good..?
but the silly thing with this is you just cant decide how much to pay
since its like for charity you know..

hmm anyway.. finally met up with kaf..!
hahaha and i like suddenly realised that he was quite short..!!
heh so mean right i know..
but i honestly didnt think he was that short lah..!
and plus it was the first time i noticed that he was so not proportionate!
(is it unproportionate or improportionate???)
heh okay lah but this boy was quite nice yesterday lah..
treated us to cafe cartel?? cool huh
first time i think..!! wow..!

meeting rag for dinner today..
havent seen her in a while!!
have been what, hibernating at home???
anyway dont think can join the girls for brewerkz after that man..
am quite a poor person!
i must do poor man's things now.. haha!

oh.. had a nice serene centre ice cream and adam road hawker centre dinner on tues..
which was quite so very nice lah..
just the three of us.. talking like nobody's business..!
until they almost missed their last bus?!?!
sigh.. just like the good ol' days..
(the three of us, not missing the last bus)

have big plans to waste my days no more!!
sleeping all day is SO unproductive!
okay so its obvious, and i already knew tha!
but trying to be disciplined???
so much to do..
before i know it, i'll be having to head back again!!!!


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