saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Sunday, January 23, 2005

hmm.. went out for a midnight movie just now with my sis and her bf..
watched alfie.. which wasnt too bad actually.. kinda liked the style..

but the whole night, i had been feeling a bit off..
and i just cant figure out exactly why.
think it started when my sis was persuading me to go out with them..
and she said that i was leaving soon, and she would be flying a lot next month.

so i guess that must be it..?
the fact that my wonderful life here is gonna come to a halt again..
a disappearance in fact.. for an entire year..
the weird thing was i know i had already prepared myself for going back early..
and i know that im gonna have many many things to do when i get back to aussie..
so wassup..?

i cant stand it lah..
its just so disconcerting..
i cant do anything properly without thinking nonsense..!


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