saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Friday, January 28, 2005

falling asleep all over.
so shall make this fast. again? heh.

went out for dinner to celebrate moms birthday today.
its actually on friday, but my sis wont be around, so a day earlier lah.
teochew restaurant. goood fooood....
ordered the set so it was prawn rolls, sharks fin, steamed fish, vege (which were yummy! soft, and not chewy, but crunchy still!), crayfish and ended off with dessert!
ORRR-NEEEEEEE.. heh for those of you who dont know, its yam paste, with steamed pumpkin (i lurve!) and gingko nut!! YUM YUM I TELL YOUUUU..

hmm okay was supposed to be fast right.
anyway, the real surprise was when we got home!
see me and my sister decided to bake a cake for my mom
but we couldnt decide on what kind of cake!
and in the end me and my super ambitious and terribly greedy sister made TWO cakes!
durian, and chocolate! hahahahaa
was a mad rush in the afternoon i tell you.. and we bought way too much durian!
which we couldnt use in the cake, cos we were afraid it would make it too heavy!
and it wouldnt be able to rise!!!!!

not to mention, we didnt know we were making SO MUCH cake!!
so we didnt have enough tins! it was like 2 cakes per variety!!! man..!!
plus time was running out! we had to clear all evidence!
not enough cake tins, no time, no space in oven, no cooling rack, no hiding space from my prying mother!

finally we just hid the durian cakes in my room, and let my mom see the chocolate cakes.. ahha sheesh..
and when we got home from dinner, TADA!!!!
durian cakes!
which are a tad weird by the way..
the bottom is slightly heavier, making the texture a bit like kueh?
dont know what happened? too much durian??
but its not too bad lah.. considering we're first timers! hehe
the chocolate cake is good though.. yum!

anyway, thats the adventure for the day!

hey rach, so sorry about socks.. he's in a better place right now..
take care babe.. *hugz*

hey uma, wassup doode.. hope house hunting is going well..
take care too..! need anything from here?


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