saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Wednesday, January 26, 2005

okay im kinda drop dead tired so gonna make this a quick one.
here goes!

met belle and fiona for ice cream at the daily scoop.
rum and raisin is yummy! yay!

headed to town to meet rag for dinner.
watched the thaipusam parade! first time in my life!
think i was the fairest person there. i swear.
pretty damn interesting. quite exciting, very enlightening.
there was even a small boydoing it! and by small i mean like seven or eight years old??!!!!!

on way to bugis coffeeshop, stopped at the traffic light for a long time to watch more of the parade and how they cross the road!
police controlling the traffic were highly amusing. especially when singaporean pedestrians are involved. haha!
(one police man reminded me of my fierce driving instructor from bbdc! mr lee! ahh!)
was laughing at the chaos that entailed when 2 cyclists mysteriously appeared out of nowhere, cycled right in the middle of the junction, in the wrong direction of traffic flow no less, and of course annoying the police.. (haha)
when this voice next to me said "why are you laughing?"
turned to see a huge black guy who introduced himself as "I AM SAM" (think dr seus: i do not like green eggs and ham i do not like them sam i am!) and proceeded to tell me that my smile is very cute..???? hahahahaa hilarious!

anyway, huge dinner with huge plate of briyani and huge piece of chicken and 2 ice milos! imagine my fullness.
actually it wasnt that bad lah. full i was, but bloated i was not.

walked to esplanade, sat around, went home.
stopped by clementi central to buy food for dad.
crazy uncle was rattling on and on about "ni ke yi jiang hua yu wei she me bu yao jiang?????!!!! ni de hua yu hen hao ma.. wei she me bu yao jian??!!!"
("you can speak chinese, then why dont speak?????!!!! your chinese very good what.. why dont speak??!!!")
imagine this going on continually for about 2 million years and you will just collapse and die.

came home and searched for cake recipe to make my mom a cake for her birthday!
is this my attempt to up fiona's baker-girl rep???? WAHAHAHA!!!
(i highly doubt it.)
anyway, wanted to make durian cake, but remembered that sister's bf hates durian.
so thought, mango cake?
but mom loves durian! oh the headache of it all.

the end.

help me lah, still havent decided!


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