saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Monday, January 31, 2005

my parents have gone mad.
came out of the toilet (where i heard some sort of argument) to find i stepped into this fork throwing kind of war. not to mention the usual shouting, name calling, criticising, banging, threatening, storming, blaming and an explosive kind of mounting pressure.

tried to get them to stop behaving like babies.
was successful for about.. maybe 3 seconds?
obviously i was being ignored so i gave up and left the kitchen.
the moment i got to my room and sat down on my chair, it happened.

it really did explode. a few times.
went back to the warzone to find the entire kitchen covered in glass.
guess who had to clean up.
and its the kind of fragments so tiny that they stick to your skin and you cant see them.
had to clean a few times cos i found more huge pieces under the fridge!
.. both the fridges! sheesh.
also had to clean up some blood, which mysteriously appeared, from i dont know where.

pretty traumatic experience (this has never happened in my house, in case youre wondering).
though i must say cleaning up was kinda theraputic.
learnt how to block out all other 'distractions' and immerse myself into the task at hand, enabling me to calm down lots.

only thing is, my limbs are kinda itching.
think some microscopic fragments caught on to my skin when i had to lie down to dig from under the fridge.
and after i already showered too!


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