saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Saturday, February 05, 2005

my goodness..! went to the daily scoop TWICE today..!!
in the afternoon with steph and fiona.. where we shared FOUR scoops of ice cream..
and again after dinner with mom, sis and her bf!!
tried the waffles which were really really good..!!
crispy without being hard at all! and soft inside! good job daily scoop!
but aiyo i was how embarrassed the second time i went lah..
cos it was the same people working then and obviously they will recognise me right!
wearing same clothes and all!! ahhhh!!

met liz steph and fiona for lunch at tiong bahru market!
i like this meeting someplace new all the time.. i havent been there in YEARSSS!!
hmm.. just realised i didnt eat lunch at all! sheesh..
came a bit late cos i wasted so much time at home sitting down doing nothing cos i was still too sleepy and couldnt think of what to do next..! haha
couldnt even find a proper bag to bring cake and paper in so just stuffed it in a market plastic bag?? hahaha
see lah, if i didnt have to bring anything i would have been earlier okay..!

have to try making the puffs tmr..! see how they turn out! hehe


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