saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Wednesday, February 16, 2005

omg i swear i wrote a post just now but the security guard came in to check IDs just now and i didnt have any! and in my excitement i closed the window before it finished publishing..! crap..

anyway, the weather's crummy cos summers kinda disappearing..! and ive been sitting in this computer lab for the past few hours!
went to the park this afternoon in a bid to force myself out of the boring house and not get cooped up..!! played on the swing and read for a bit.. but couldnt stand the crummy weather which left my fingers with pins and needles when i left!! how mad is that!!

did GIANT laundry in the afternoon which left my no place to hang everything..!
also discovered a t-shirt i bought for my dad still in my luggage!!

so glad i caught up with fiona and (my cousin) wanida and belle the day i left..!!
although it was kind of a mad rush cos i woke up at 12 and had to pack! plus run down to far east to develop something like 300 photos..??? heh i know i know my time management sucks to the max!!!

okay so i really need to pee now plus im getting really hungry.. 830 already..!!!!
i'll be back tmr lah..! haha see ya!


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