saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Tuesday, October 31, 2006

big mistake.

you know this thing about dilemnas..
you spend half the day thinking about whether to do something..
should you or shouldnt you?
you know you want to, but at the same time you dont want to..
youre scared.
youre scared of what might happen if you do.
but then again, if you dont try you will never know right?

so then you do it.
and immediately you regret it.
big mistake.
big, big mistake.

now youre worse off than before, and you have only yourself to blame.
and it really pisses you off!
why couldnt you just have kept your damn itchy hands to yourself and left things to be!
the kind of pain you have to put up with is just not worth it.
but you knew it was coming and you went and put yourself right in its path.

and you wonder if anyone else even notices at all.
and you know what? they dont!
youre so good at hiding everything from even yourself, that you cant possibly expect other people to know!
but if you dont hide it, everything goes to shitty bits!
so what are you supposed to do?!


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