saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Thursday, November 02, 2006

Botak Jones AMK

okay so i dont know what's up with my posting but it seems like im trying to be a regular poster..! hmmmm.. thats good right..!

fulfilling day today i guess.. made it to church for all souls day..
(and yesterday for all saints day too! wow i say! wow!)
plus, i managed to buy the wire that i need for a project that im doing..
and i met rag with like.. lots of conversation.!
and then dinner with the girls..!

anyway, here's the group shot at Botak Jones AMK.. minus me..

food was quite so good, even though the wait was long and we were super hungry..!
botak burger with cheese and mushrooms.. its da bomb i tell you!
guess who we saw on a little private date of their own?! evelyn and peishan!
but we already knew they were gonna be on a date there lah, but still.. what a coincidence right..! havent seen them both in ages!
and evelyn is as full of shit as ever! didnt hesitate to diss my chinese the moment belle brought up the subject..! just because belle sat next to me and she was much better at it even though she was half indian..!!!!!
bahhh... gross you know this girll!

later it was icekimo with the funniest conversation ever! everybody decided that i was too hopeless in the knowledge of local stars, so they all took turns naming celebrities to see if i knew them..!!!! appalled i tell you..! i am not that bad okay..!!!! heh and liz said the funniest thing ever..! do cows pee from through their udders? HAHA hello?! i mean, do you pee through your boobs..?!?!???!!!!! HAHAHA it was just hilarious la!!!

oh oh!! and i bought earrings today..!! nice nice nice????
i lurve! im so happy..! i just NEEDED to buy something today lah..!
but everybody says they look like cheese!!! (except fiona) they do not!!!
they do not right..????

i think i am trying to make myself happy..
just surrounding myself with things to do..
friends to meet..
people to talk to..
basically keeping myself busy..
i think might work..
which may explain why i forced myself out of the house early the past 2 days..
sometimes it feels a bit crazy.. and sometimes i feel fake..
and sometimes i slip and fall into the pits..
i mean, im just psychoing myself after all..
but i think eventually it works somehow.. right?
well, i hope so anyway..
i really do.


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