saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Monday, June 11, 2007

sauce, source, soars.

i have never spent such a long time looking at underwear!
and i mean, a long time.
oh goodness.
of course there was a sale right?
and of course that made me buy so many so many things!

honestly, i have never.
never in my life bought so many under things at one go!
the most i have ever bought was 4, and already i was like whoa!
this is just like.. i cant even believe it man!

haha what can i say, i just like buying undergarments!

rushed off to dinner after cos i was sooo preoccupied with this silly shop that i forgot the time!
seafood at defu lane 10 with the girls is always good..
especially when our table is too big and we cant hear each other haha
we end up with things like sauce, source and soars HAHA!
conversation is always bizarre and highly amusing with us around (:

no photos cos i have stopped taking photos, or bringing my camera out.
and of course jasmine has them all.

by the way, all this happened yesterday okay!
which means, sunday!


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