saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Friday, November 15, 2002

wah im quite sleepy.. went to meet steph and ben for lunch at nyc today.. should have bought a goreng pisang.. damn.. then we like went all over the place running errands ok.. went to the british council cos steph wanted to check out the university that she was gonna apply for.. so i was looking around, and found this book on media degrees in the UK, and the only one with a degree for advertising is the london college of music and media.. sigh.. i dunno lah.. the thing still scares me..
after that, ben went to meet his family for dinner so steph and i took a bus to the esplanade cos steph wanted to return her piano books at the library there..
then my sister asked me to help her to buy a pen and a highlighter.. so we went to marina, where we got completely lost trying to find a stationery shop! can you believe it?? sheesh!! we even tried ntuc whic had all sorts of other stationery like staplers, notebooks and colour pencils.. but no pen. as did all the other "bookshops".. sigh.. and we were so tired from all that walking ok.. and we were so pissed with marina's lack of a stationery shop..
so we decided to go over to suntec.. and on the way there, we stopped by at milenia walk and promptly got lost in the humongous harvey norman there.. sheesh.. had to walk all the way to the other end of the building just to look at the digicams, then on the way out, steph saw this cd case that she wanted to buy, then we had to go to the other side to pay.. and then some other ridiculous nonsense lah so in short, we walked to and fro in that enormous store.. hmpf!
and when we finally reached suntec, we went to buy stationery at myepb bookstore teehee.. then went to subway for dinner.. wahh.. havent eaten subway in like a gazillion years ok.. so nice.. and we sat there for so long ok.. so tired and hungry from running errands all over singapore.. and then we went to eat yami yoghurt!! teehee so fun! went up to sit at the fountain and watched their lousy multimedia show..

so all in all, this has been the most tiring day of the hols.. and of course, the most tiring week.. went out 3 days in a row man.. finally getting a life.. *evil laugh*

hmm i think i'll go shopping before i start work tmr.. really tired of all my clothes.. sigh.. everyday im at a loss at wat to wear..


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