saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Thursday, April 03, 2003

was talking to amir on the phone just now, but i didnt talk much lah.. i thought that maybe i was just too tired, or i just didnt feel like talking.. but i realised something.. he was asking me about my work and telling me to relax and take some time off and that it was all about time management and about wat i should do and wat i shouldnt do.. everything came to a "that's life" kinda conclusion.. so in the end it was a very preachy and depressing conversation.. (at least on my part lah..) so it didnt help me take my mind off things, or help my mood.. i suppose sometimes wat people want is to just complain a bit.. and maybe the best way to handle that is to humour them a bit.. and just listen.. sometimes thats wat friends are there for.. to provide that escape from reality.. no matter how small or how short it is..


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