saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Saturday, June 07, 2003

yo, wassupppppp..........

yeah yeah i know, ive gone missing for a while.. but was just too tired when i came back on monday, and ive been working everyday since then and havent been bothered to come online.. so am fnally here now that i had to check my results.. and now that ive missed out so many days, ive got too many things to blog about.. and no idea where to start!!

yesterday was great. was the most fun, and did the most things.. i accomplished so many things i was so proud of myself.. finished kids, then genrec.. then straightened mid, and a bit of front.. and even did periodicals!! amazing!! and fernando and issac were the best!!

today was horrible. fahmy pissed the hell outta me when he started scolding me to high heaven.. in the end, i was right all along and he refused to admit it.. wanted to return him all the stinking shit he left behind.. bloody spoilt the entire day.. and this is not the first time.. im sure theres an entry somewhere in the history about the previous time his head grew so big it exploded to bits.. kailing another one.. treat people like theyre dumb and wasting her precious time.. fucking shitheads lah all these people..

will be transfering to the spo (special order) department starting next week.. but will still be on shift work cos i refuse to do office hours..

all the old part timers are back!! but i guess i wont have much opportunity to work with them now that im gonna spend most of my time in the office.. might be good though.. june hols are here and the store's gonna be such a mess!!

was surprisingly HOTTT!!!!!! geezzz!!! talk about misinformation man!! the place was blazing for all of 3 days!!! then, hell decided to freeze over on the 4th day!!! ridiculous!! and everything is freaking expensive there boy.. a cheap and simple meal costs you at least 9 singapore dollars.. mad!! and nobody sells postcards or any souvenirs!! at all!!!! so those of you who didnt get any presents from me, IM SORRY!! I COULDNT FIND ANYTHING (I COULD AFFORD)!!!!!

in other news..
i'm gonna miss my mad and irritating sisterrrrr!!! she went off back-packing in france and spain this evening and will be gone for a little more than 2 weeks.. sighhhh.. ):

i really miss the old shichang..!! he's become so depressed and grumpy noww!!!! i cant stand it.. and i dunno wat to dooooo!! so sad i tell you.. sighh.....

i dunno if theres another way for me to approach this paranoia of mine, but it is resulting in strained and boring (on my part) one sided conversations with cheeky guyyy!!!!! ughhhh.. this is full of crap...

i am really pissed with my C for advertising.. what is this!! this is seriously the most bo-hua subject on earth ok.!! we won the pitch!!! TWICE!!!! should have taken dvd authoring or something..

i am freaking tired and have to wake up at 10 tmr to watch my cartoons.. but nooo.. i have to stay awake till 530 to wake amir up.. sheesh!!

and i have to take in the clothes too..

and vacuum the floor..

think i shall do that tmr instead..


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