saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Monday, July 14, 2003

wahhhhaahahaaa went to the night safari just now.. was quite exciting.. haha.. so silly i tell you.. we went into this bat trail kinda thing, and less than halfway through, my mum and i got terrified of the bats that were hanging so near us.. that we started screaming and making so much noise.. kinda funny when i think about it now, but at the time it was so scary okkk.. everytime we turned around a bat was hanging nearer to us.. yikes!! im sure my blood pressure went up after that i tell you.. so anyway, all of us (with the exception of my dad) practically ran out the remaining of the trail.. and there i was at the beginning of the trail, reading the sign that said "if youre afraid of bats, you might not want to enter this trail", and thinking that i could actually muster enough courage to emerge at the other end quite well composed..

no such luck..


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