saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Sunday, December 28, 2003

aiya i cant stand all you xanga people who dont let me comment on your blogs..!! sheesh.. now i have to resort to writing comments for your blogs in my own blog!

jasmine! i have been coughing tooo!!!! for like some 2plus weeks already man.>! except that i dont think mine is as bad as yours..
and you and fiona never call me to meet ben and kaf.>!!!! i havent seen them in ages too! ok i did lah, but that was a couple months back when i helped them buy some books.. but still.!! hmpff.. heh.. kinda miss their silliness and all.. (:

i guess i'm also guilty of not taking the initiative to call up old friends to meet up.. all these wonderful darlings who treat me so well and still invite me to their outings and parties even though i havent met up with them for centuries, if only for convenience's sake.. well, i have just about a month to make up for all that before i seriously begin to miss these people..

anyway fiona, im the same as you!

You are Aurora from Sleeping Beauty!

What Disney Princess are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

i love sleeping beauty! its like my favourite disney fairy tale! (:


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