saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Monday, December 22, 2003

apple juice looks like beer.. but i prefer apple juice..

forgot to write about this just now..

at SITEX, i saw this guy who looked really really familiar.. so i kept frowning and staring at him.. but he also had that i-recognise-you look on his face and both of us were basically trying to remember who the other person was.. and then he took a shot and said janice? which of course was wrong.. i left soon after..

while waiting for the 7 at the bus stop behind borders, this guy carrying a huge present walks up to the bus stop.. i dont notice him, just the way he's carrying the box - on his shoulders.. then the more i see his face, the more he looks like the guy i saw at SITEX!! "no, it cant be" i tell myself.. but then he starts giving me this i-recognise-you look!!! aahhhH!!!! he stands quite far away, but he keeps glancing over.. and when we make eye contact, he gives me this i-know-you, youre-the-girl-from-SITEX smile!!!

and then it doesnt stop because i decide to take the 174 instead, and he gets on the bus too!!! when he walks past me, he walks slowly and deliberately, with that smile on his face, as if he's waiting for me to do/say something.. but i dont.. so he sits down, and sometimes he glances over, and i decide to NOT look at him at all.. too puzzling for me man.. so he's fallen asleep by the time i alight..

but after all this while, i think that he is fiona's friend, from CJC.. the one who visited you while you were in hospital.. (NOT lester) the one who came with celine.. he went to your chalet that year too.. and if i remember correctly, his name is nicholas? or nick? no, i think its nicholas..


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