saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Saturday, January 31, 2004

wah such a long and tiring day today man, i almost fell asleep straight after i got home..

went for the pre-departure briefing for the international students today and i found out that there are a grand total of FOUR people from singapore going into my course.. not to mention that i am the only one in my year.. sheesh, how sad is that..

but interesting people man..
nicole tan: ex-ij girl, recognised her because of that. branded potential MCM girl by noel and myself. also has same name as my cousin.
david i-cant-remember-his-surname: nice guy, will be remembered by his uhm, knowledge of the MCM happenings of our year.
wendy khoo: quiet girl whom i cant have a decent conversation with without running out of things to say. hah. impressed me when she told me she was jumping straight into third year. like, wow.

ok thats the end of the creative arts people.. heh..

oh well.. apparently, some super chio bus in medicine.. so gotta watch out for those.. *grin*


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