saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Saturday, May 29, 2004

eew!! check out the ugly zoo man! disturbing shit!

so anyway, i managed to hand up my crap dada essay on time.. i dont even know how i managed to do it man.. did the whole thing in 24 hours! (actually less, cos i fell asleep a few times, maybe 8 hours in all? haha) and it looked good too! to me lah.. heh, for all i know it may be complete crap next to all the other essays man.. but what matters right now is that i got rid of it! yeahoooo!!! hahaha.. i feel this need to celebrate, but i still have 7 more assignments to go.. so uhh.. i guess not huh..


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