saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Sunday, June 13, 2004

oh my gawd i think my feet are going to die soon..
just walked another 3 hours today..!
and then! i got a blister!
my shoes are amazing!
they managed to make a hole on my socks!
my thick socks!!!
i dont understand..!
*mumble grumble*

anyway, quite happy lah..
i was talking to my long lost friend again last night.. and he actually wants to meet up! haha.. dont know if we will, but oh well.. im happy anyway.. ((:

im going back soon im so excited!! so many things to do, so many people to meet, so many things to eat!! haha.. but for now i have so many errands to run before i leave.. and stupid school is closed tmr cos its the queen's birthday.. i mean, really, who cares?!! because of that i have to rush and get everything done on tuesday before i leave.. sheesh..!!


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