saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Friday, March 04, 2005

went to the grand prix for a while yesterday..
and i only went cos it was free!! (i am seriously broke these days)
uma called me to tell me that it was free entry yesterday cos it was their 10th anniversary in melbourne or something like that lah.. anyway i went last year already so i saw it all before..
weather was quite good, saw some stunt bikers, played on a swing and told uma that "a swan can break a man's arm, you know."
for proof of this, read adrian mole and the weapons of mass destruction. haha.
didnt stay too long, left after a couple of hours cos it was a bit monotonous.
went to the city and did some essential shopping.
finally got my measuring cup, clock (i shall talk more about this later), nailclipper (mine has died), loofah and journals.
uma got some nice plates and bowls.

about this clock..
i went home and found that my battery didnt fit in it! and i was puzzled!
arent all AA batteries the same size? weird right!
after i stuffed it in, the second hand did that same ticking in the same place that my old clock did!!
i pried out my almost stuck ENERGIZER battery with a mini screwdriver, and changed to a japanese brand one, and it worked!!!
i tried that jap battery on my old clock, and it worked too!
how ridiculous this is! now i have 2 clocks!
i used the new one cos its nicer, but i tried to look at it this morning from my bed (which is along the same wall as the clock) and i couldnt see the numbers on one side of it cos the clock frame is pretty thick..!
this is a bit mad isnt it.. im going on about a clock!
think i will switch back to my old clock and try to sell the new clock to uma.. or rachel?? hahahaha

okay i have to get outta here, must buy my readers, do some egypt and art research, and then get home to dump the stuff, maybe meet uma to bake a cake or something and head to rachels house for her housewarming!


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