saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Monday, May 01, 2006

the good ol' days

im such an irregular blogger lah..!! bahhhh

heh anywayyy, ive been trying to clear out some space in my cupboards in an attempt to pack in the stuff i brought back from melbourne..
happened to chance upon some really funny stuff from way back when..!

a birthday card from belle in sec4 i think..
the back has plenty of neoprints which we both took with shuping..!
and it says stuff like, "we took these 2 on the same day! will you ever forget our top hats? i still have mine! shall wear it when we go out one day!"
"we took this after we watched tarzan at lido. you were horrified when we told the guy at the counter we went to watch tarzan."
"we took this at bishan J8..! you treated us to ice blends for your birthday!"
"(wow, i have such a great memory!)"

and also a little card from belle, with a man with a big yellow smiley for a head on one side..
and the back of the card says something like,
"dont be moody, we all love you very much, so dont worry about your chinese marks!"

hahaha how funny is that..!

oh plus i found my sec4 autograph book, and i was looking through, and saw the entry by vicky..! (which incidentally everyone commented that it was very very nice, considering it was done by vicky!)
and theres one part where she says, "hope your partnership with jasmine to open a multi-purpose cleaning company will open one day and dont worry, if i have the money, i'll surely invest in it too! hahaha"

heh jasmine i totally forgot about that!!!!!
hahaha multipurpose cleaning company indeed!!
are you still interested?????

i had a lot more funny things lah, but i cant remember them off the top of my head right now..

see this is about the only nice thing about clearing cupboards..
you get to go through all those treasures and relive those wonderful memories..!
heh and usually the memories are really really funny..!

hmmmm now its back to stuffing everything back into the cupboard..
waiting for the next time the magic is unleashed..


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