saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Friday, April 14, 2006

its good friday and im a bad catholic.

silly excuses for not wanting to go to church..
its too early, i'll go later, its raining (very heavily i might add), and the worst of all, i want to watch kim possible..
disgusting i am..

in terms of updating, i think i actually had a lot to update about..
despite having nothing much to do everyday, quite a lot has happened lately..
just been lazy.. haha whats new..

been going down to nus library on monday and tuesday to hang around, and spend some time outta the house..
read some art history (symbolism, fauvism and expressionism anyone?)
finally managed to give steph her passionfruit tictac
took some pictures with belle's buttercup mask and we still looked like ourselves
saw LIZ for the first time since i came back
cheap blueberry waffle and ice tea at arts canteen
steph and i got scolded for leaving the plates and cups at the table when we were leaving
remembering adventures with belle in sec 4, such as her infiltration to the west, and our journey to sentosa and rowing back to singapore.! HAHA *grin*

talked about primary school with liz and belle and i totally suck lah..!
couldnt remember anyone's name for nuts!!
not to mention i failed miserably at that famous name game that they play!
although it was really funny when belle and i play it with steph..
that girl has some serious non linkage issues lah..!
when we were thinking of NICOLEs, steph blurts out JOHN MOLINA..
like hello?!?!???? hahahahha how weird is that?!
hahaha but it was super funny lah so belle made us play this linking game that went on forever until we realised we had to leave if we wanted to go to island creamery!!!

speaking of which, syahzan has been scolding me for going to island creamery too much!
but really it was only on tues with steph and belle (burnt caramel and horlicks), and wednesday with mom, sis and her bf (mudpie and cookies and cream)..
so i havent been there that much..
except that thursday we went to DAILY SCOOP after dinner (orange marmalade) haha

i realise that going for ice cream just eats money..

ANYWAY.. lets see, what else have i been getting up to..

oh yeah, i almost burnt down the house on monday.
basically, i left the stove on and went out.
i guess i was just rushing everything lah..
i woke up late, so i was cleaning the house in a rush, trying to do everything at the same time..
and i was supposed to turn off the stove after my shower, but i guess i just forgot, then rushed outta the house..!
geez.. imagine my shock when i came home to this ultra smoky house..
well nothing was burnt really.. except for the pot..
my first time making charcoal man..
anyway, the house still smells sometimes, especially after we go out and come home..
the clothes that were hanging in the kitchen still smell, after washing a few times i might add..
the pot is still kinda stained, most of its gone, but it still has marks on it..
oh and apparently, my 10th floor neighbour knocked on the door of my 9th floor neighbour to ask if something was burning.. (i live on the 8th floor)
well.. i guess i will not be helping my mom do anymore reheating in the afternoon..

tuesday was another crazy day..
it was kinda good till i came home from island creamery with steph and belle..
was just talking civilly to mom when suddenly BOOM!!
things just exploded and blew outta proportion..
what followed was a giant row that attracted the attention of dad
and soon my tiny room was bursting with all this emo-ness from everybody..!
geez..! so drama..!
and after all that came this extra long extra serious talk with dad
so by the time all that was done, i was tired and overflowing with emotional trauma..
not to mention that i had to head downstairs to talk to a friend who was in dire need of getting something off his chest right then..!

what a drama day mannnnnnn....


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