saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Friday, January 06, 2006

so i reached melbourne safely on New Years Eve,
but here's the catch..
i havent actually gone home yet..!
well i have stepped in lah.. but i dont think thats really counted..
see right, this is what happened..

i went straight to jessica's house when i got back into the city on NYE..
a day which i was prepared to spend all alone by my lonesome self, cos jess would be in church, and uma would be working..!
and pathetic ol' me has only 2 friends..! haha
so jess left me the keys to her apt, cos she lives in the city..
that way, i could just leave my stuff there, get changed, and just head out to watch the fireworks at southbank..

it was crazy crowded.
so funny hearing everyone shouting for more and more fireworks..
groaning and booing each time the fireworks stopped, and cheering each time they started again..! ahha
headed down to the docklands for some quiet time by the water side
and this is where richo and cass decided to chat me up cos they thought i looked a bit lonely.. hahahaha so cute these two..
just sitting around talking rubbish for a while, before they headed off to meet a friend..

and then it was 2.30 and i got a call from uma saying that she was finished with work..! coolness huh..
headed back into the city to meet her at jessica's place, where we hung out until jess and her sister jamie came back home at about i dont know what time..
but we were all a bit hungry, so we took a tram up to lygon street to get some pizza at universal cafe..
which i think is undoubtedly my favourite pizza place in melbourne..
good stuff, interesting pizzas, not just the boring kind, cheap, and oh so good..!
oh i should also say that the trams were running all night, and transport was free that night..! cool huh..!

anyway, by the time we finished our food and left, it was almost 8am..!!
how mad is that?!
and that was how 2005 became 2006..


i spent the night at jessica's place since i left all my stuff there..
and we had promised uma we would go to her place the next day for a movie marathon..
my goodness, was that a long movie marathon..
as i've said before, i havent gone home yet, so you can guess that we're all still here..
we came on sunday, and its friday now.. sheesh..!
and its not our fault okay.. its a vicious cycle man..! it just happens..!!!
we've gone through connie and carla, chicken little (very cute, especially fish..!!), corpse bride, monsters inc, four weddings and a funeral, i am sam, mona lisa smile, amelie, an entire season of spooks (this serial about british intelligence that all of us got hooked on, and its really really good okay.!), la ghan (hindi movie about cricket), and kill bill vol 1 and 2..!!!!!!

but dont worry, its not as if we didnt step out of the house at all..!
we went to la porchetta (pizza place) for dinner on monday, ordered in dominos pizza (yes, pizza again) on tuesday, went to the queen victoria night market on wednesday, and the st kilda night market on thursday..!
not to mention we made jello and fried tons of keropok last night..!
so thats not too bad what, yeah..??

i guess i should go home soon though, and im PRETTY sure we'll all be making that journey later today.. hahaha.. sheesh..
well i guess we can take it as intensive hanging out..
since we havent seen each other much when all our families were around, and then i ran off to brisbane, and then jess will be running off to sydney, before the girls (and ray) and hopefully mildred, congregate here..!

okay now im tired of this entry, so bye!


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