saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Tuesday, November 15, 2005

what a shitty paper..!
i might as well have studied for 2 hours if its gonna turn out like this..!
two sections right.. i could answer like half of section one.. and something like 20% of section two..!!!!! simply cannot stand it.. all this unneeded info floating around my brain and nowhere to gooooo..!!!! ERGGGHHHHHHH!!!!

and the most irritating thing is i went to collect my essay after that and i got so bloody annoyed with all the comments.. insisting that i have no intro and saying that my paragraphs are not paragraphs..!!! like really man..! and i KNEW it wasnt my tutor who marked it.. and true enough, it was that crappy tutor who took my mythology tute last year..! and she said the same things about my essay then too and what i dont get is the essays ive written after that have been absolutely fine so how can my writing suddenly change when she's marking it..?!!!!! ERGGHHH!!! want to kill her i swear..! and same as last year, she gave me an entire page of shitty comments man..!
i have such a mind to ask my tutor to take a look at my essay man..! i mean i know i wrote this one in a rush, and i know it wasnt too good, so some of her comments are legit.. but really, its like shes picking on nonsense..! like the fact that i have sub-headings..!! really, whats wrong with that!!! ERGHHH!!!


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