saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Sunday, November 13, 2005

fiona, are you saying that youve seen a cow piss..??????
and i sleep okay..! in fact, ive been sleeping too much..!
i should be studying!
my sleeping pattern is totally our of whack now man.. shit!
been sleeping at 7am the past couple of days.. and then waking up at like 1 or 2pm..!
getting quite scared for my exam.. it seems as if i know everything when i read through my stuff, but i know that i actually dont REMEMBER it..!
if only it was an open book..!! baahhh...
too many things to remember.. and i havent done this kind of heavy duty remembering thing in ages..!! ahhh!!

oh, think my left foot and left elbow are dead..
kinda slipped down the stairs last night..!!
missing skin on my foot all.. and blood clot on my big toe at the corner of my nail..!
think my toe crushed into the corner of my nail and kinda bent it over..
cos now theres a fold mark on the nail, a blood clot and the corner, and everything is sore..!
and theres no bruise on my elbow.. yet..?!! but it aches when i reach behind my back..! erghhh... so crap..

and i have this GIANT bruise in the middle of my left thigh and i have no idea how i got it..!
this one i got a few weeks ago, but its not going away..!
it was green and gross, and then i tried to rub it without killing myself..
then it turned purple and you know how that means its getting better right..
but no.. it goes back to green again..!
and this crazy cycle has gone through more then twice already..!
although i must say it seems to be getting lighter..? lighter green i mean..
so maybe after a few more cycles it will eventually disappear..???



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