saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Monday, September 12, 2005

haha sorry liz, didnt know about your intention to hide your arr-ing from the world!!
heh in any case, i did quite a stupid thing also lah..
i went a bit crazy and decided to listen to loud banging music and sing along right..
and it was like the middle of the night, so i was using my ear phones and yelling away (i imagine so at least), and of course that totally killed my throat and at the end of a couple of hours or so, i could sing no more!
hahahaha and it totally reminded me of you lah..!

anyway let me tell you all about my totally slack shit weekend man..
i did absolutely NO WORK and of course, its week 8 now, and im still 2 months behind..
isnt that just great..
i was watching dvds like crazy, and reading story books!!
2 books in 2 days! sheesh!!
not supposed to be doing that!
those books were meant for like leisure reading when im feeling stressed, or before going to bed, at a rate of ONE OR TWO CHAPTERS AT A TIME!!!!
not the whole bloody chunk at one go! hours on end!resulting in my staying up all night and wasting the following day sleeping and slacking!! ERGHHH!!

well at least they were nice books..
(i mean thats why i couldnt put them down right.)

Book No. 1: Blast from the Past by Ben Elton
oh such a sad sad book i tell you.. i know i cry really easily and all, but rarely when reading a book! and i mean RARELY!!
and i didnt cry throughout the whole thing lah okay..
somehow, this book is about loneliness.. loneliness brought about by love.. so ironic isnt it.. but really, it just dug its claws at me, and i could really feel everything, imagine everything, and it was oh so painful..
i was in such pain that i couldnt sleep man.. and i couldnt do anything cos i kept thinking of the pain and the sadness and the loneliness, and i kept replaying parts of the book and totally went crazy!!

Book No. 2: The secret dreamworld of a shopaholic by Sophie Kinsella
haha this book is so funnily amusing.. i cannot imagine this girl shopping like crazy its like a DISEASE i swear!! thank goodness im not like that at all, but it really does give me some insight to these crazy shopaholics who have to buy everything even though they are BURIED in debt like hell..!!! haha
and you know what, i thought of you, LIZZZZZZ!!!!!! haha i know the others are like semi kinda crazy shoppers too (by my nonshopping standards lah okay), but i think liz comes closes to this shopaholic girl..!!! haha have you read the book? it might remind you of yourself.. haha okay, not quite so extreme, but i think i can hear you saying some of the lines man..
never dreamt i would read this book man.. always looked at it and thought i wouldnt like it cos i cant really stand shopping.. but its quite interesting and funny and really amusing lah.. and good cos its not like obsessed with sex and all, like a lot of british writers seem to be.. its obsessed with SHOPPING!!

haha okay going home soon, brought tons and tons of things for photo shoot in the studio today.. not extremely happy with my rolls, cos a lot of them were blank (sign of my bad like shit lighting skills) but oh well what can i do right..

HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHUPING!!!!! hope you had a BLAST!!!
and i wanna know all this gossip about the new guy!! why am i so uninformed!!!


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