saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Wednesday, August 31, 2005

haha daph has been busy dying like hell man.

hmm lets see, what have i been up to..?
well last week was really pretty crazy, cos the production of parthenope was on from wednesday to saturday, hence had to go for rehearsals from monday..!
so thats every night for 6 whole days..!

PLUS, i had to rush to finish up my photography research project, so i would spend the whole day in the dark room..! of course a lot of madness while shooting, and developing and printing as well lah.. not to mention that the year ones kicked me out of the darkroom cos it was the first week of their photography class..!! ergh!!
so i couldnt develop my film! better still, when i managed to develop my film finally, like 2 thirds of the roll didnt come out!!! like totally!! and i have no idea why lah deyyyyyy...

so well, thats how i spent the whole of last week..
12 hours in school, without even having any time to go to the library to do research for my essay which is due in 2 days..!

oh in case you guys are wondering what i did for the play, i was the stage hand. HAHA. but cos theres nothing really to do, i man the dry-ice machine. haha its damn hilarious lah now that i think about it..
but there were a lot of hiccoughs during the show itself lah..
like how we didnt have any dry ice on opening night, cos the machine froze over!
and on the last night, the bucket kinda died..! first it broke from its stand, so i was desperately trying to fix tha damn thing, (in the middle of the show no less!) and after that, the ice just couldnt melt!!
like it was chaotic and i missed my cue already and the bloody giant lump of ice wasnt melting..!
i was so desperate i just poured the ice straight into the water, and this whole cloud of dry ice came tumbling out of the spout, (and apparently one of the actresses got choked on it HAHA) and there i was just sitting in this sea of dry ice overflowing onto me and everywhere..
looks exactly like a cauldron i tell you..
you know in macbeth the 3 witches are going bubble bubble toil and trouble..
and you imagine this black cauldron with smoke tumbling and overflowing from it..?
yep, thats exactly how it was..

and on the last night, we had to bump out of the theatre, so it was dismantling the set and stage and everything lah..
oh my goodness, there are effectively only about 5 or so guys who actually had the muscle powere for the job..
not the bumping out really needed all THAT much muscle, but lets just say manpower was really short despite having at least 20 people floating around.. sheesh!
suffered so many aches and bruises from there man, and theres even this black thin on my toenail when a giant table thing slammed on my big toe!!

oh well anyway, i have an essay (which i have no idea how to do) due in 2 days, and i think today i have officially started falling sick.
been having this fluctuating almost bad throat for like weeks and weeks, and last night it finally materialised into a really bad throat.
so this morning was so miserable miserable miserable.

im actually going to go home right after this, (first time going home so early!) and hopefully get at laeast some work done and quit lazing and bumming around damnit!!


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