saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Monday, August 08, 2005

okay so its been like what, 2 million years since my last entry right..?
heh sheesh i know i suck man..!

anyway as you can probably guess, school's already started and shit, and its already the third freakin' week!!
ive already got a proposal due this wednesday, half of which i have no idea how to do.. not to mention the fact that i dont even have an idea of what to do for this project!!
and then theres another assignment due on monday!
how mad is that?!
everything is going way too soon!!!

my goodness i havent even talked about my 12 day sydney trip yet!!
was up there with my sis for 4 days cos coincidentally she had leave the same time that i was planning the trip, so she came up to meet me!! haha so fun lah right..!
then after that i just continued staying there on my own for like a week, and then the day after i returned to melbourne, SCHOOL STARTED!!!
going around on my own was so great man, i absolutely love it..!
then again i wasnt ENTIRELY alone lah, cos i met up with some people there..
oh i met karina there by the way..!!!!
went up to manly beach with her and her bf.. and then went for jap dinner after..!

hmm okay i know that was a terribly rushed thing about sydney haha like hello, 5 lines or something..?
heh anyway, i do really miss it..
maybe its cos the weather is so much better there..
or maybe just cos it was a holiday and i just want to be on a permanent holiday..
but for sure, i cant even look at my photos without feeling a bit sad..
like im missing out on something..


anyway belle, i really dont think my bike has been miraculously returned man..
haha what an idea..!
heh but somehow, i feel like im always keeping a look out for it..
as if i might somehow miraculously see it.. waiting for me..!!
heh but i like what rag said about the whole thing, its pretty funny..

"the person who stole your bike either have a crush on you or is really desperate for transportation and is a vainpot (cos he/she didnt take the helmet along so as not to mess his/her hair) heh. oh well, i doubt the aussie authorities are doing something about it."

haha good night, everybody..!


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