saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Monday, May 09, 2005

i got stopped by the police at my driving lesson yesterday.
to take a breath analyser test. NOT FUNNY!
first of all, i got a heart attack cos this guy just jumped out of nowhere and signalled me to stop the car.
and i was driving so fast, and he jumped out when i was pretty near him already!
so when i stopped the car, i was so distressed that i just sat there like a dumbo.
until my instructor told me to wind down the window. HAHA.
anyway, so the test was fine lah. it was just a routine check thing going on.
the policeman still managed to tell my instructor about my "good reaction time" cos of his "fairly late notice". basket.
and after we drove off, my instructor asked the stupidest question of all. "you've never taken this test before?!???" of course i havent lah! im learning how to drive damnit, when will i ever have the time to take this bloody breath test?!!! GEEZ!!

i topped up my mobile phone credit on thursday last week, and by the magic of me and jessica, managed to use it all up within one conversation. dont ask me how it happened, it just did.
so now im back to square one, cant call anyone, cant sms anyone back home either. hmm.

the continual blistering and peeling skin of my fingers is beginning to annoy me. especially the one on the left index. ridiculously nonstopping cycle of peeling skin, thickening, and blistering is getting ridiculous.
the fact that ive been working on my apples with chicken wire doesnt help much either. actually it makes it worse!

yesterday was mothers day.
i forgot to call home.
hmm actually i did remember, but it was too early to call and i forgot later.
okay so i guess that meant i forgot.

went in to the workshop this afternoon and found the glue that i made last week had gone mouldy. was quite surprised man. never did imagine the stuff could get mouldy.
but then again, maybe thats cos i never did think of it as food.
i only have 5 apples by the way.

film is going pretty badly, and im very ashamed to say ive been slacking off in that department. over reliance on poor uma who has been holding up the front since editing started. and she has her own work to do too! BAH. SORRY.!! apparently we are very behind and i know i havent really been in the editing studio at all! not to mention that i dont know what to do! AHH!!

have to show all my work in progress in class on wednesday, and im sorry to say that i have not even started on my paint experiments yet! not even thought about any of it, or done any research on that.! i am so dead. no clue what to do.
emotions through abstract expressionism, here i come! uh, later lah, tomorrow?
but the hint of good news comes that i did do my mask making experiments, which im pretty happy about. except that they arent of good enough quality to use for the final piece so i just about have to keep making more and more and more!! which is somewhat annoying.
not to mention i have to think about how to present the final product as well, which is something i have no idea about! crap.

how am i supposed to tell you all about the girl with the baby?! i dont think i want to put her name here..?? i guess you all will just have to hound steph or fiona who i will mail soon! haha. OH! she is on multiply! but please dont all suddenly go voyuering her page ah!

thanks to a very nice friend of mine, i now know that nuts are actually high in calcium and eating too much of them will cause the body to accumulate calcium and uric acid. these cause kidney stones and gout. i am totally in shock. i think i am on my way to having a fist sized stone in my kidney by now. hmm maybe not.

OH i made sichuan soup last night, gonna have it with noodles for dinner later.
im planning on embarking on soups as an easy one meal dish!
hmm. we'll see how that goes, considering i dont seem to be too keen on working with meat.

i have to start accumulating all my research, and with 2 visual art subjects its getting a bit crazy remember what i have to get and for which one, so many things going on, and with some of them overlapping, its a bit of a headache, really.
hmm. i wonder if i should head off to the other library after this for more research, or if i should just go home. its cold today! and ive got HUGE boards with me! URGH


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