saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Saturday, April 09, 2005

im back in the library again, it closed early yesterday, and i got there too late to finish searching for my books.. so here we go again!
oh, i made a mask of my face last night.. and oh my goodness!! i very nearly suffocated myself i tell you..! i put the whole piece of tissue over my face cos i thought that i would still be able to breathe through it.. but nooooo..!!
thought i could tahan for a while, but noooo...!!
ended up tearing it into small pieces and sticking them onto my face.. sheesh and it was so hard to get it all off later! some of it came of pretty easily, but other parts were stuck to my face cos of the glue..!
plus i papier mached over my eyes so i was blind for a long time..! had to find my way out of the toilet, back to my room, avoid stepping over my stuff, turn on the heater, and sit in front of it in a bid to dry the thing faster! helped a bit, but not much.. (hmmm lucky i was home alone last night eh?)
so i had to take the thing off before it hardened to death (which incidentally, took the whole night by the way!) so i had to be so very careful with it.. it was still soft and nuahy so i held it properly in shape for almost an hour before i gave up and rested it on some stuff for the night..!

heh and there you go.. my exciting night experimenting with my work..
of course all this meant that i didnt manage to do any of the actual proposal work that i was supposed to do, so im unfortunately still in square one..
but at least i dont feel so guilty right.. i just feel shitly slow.. ugh..


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