saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Tuesday, March 22, 2005

heh okay so i know i disappeared! im sorry im sorry!!
havent been able to check my mail for like a week or so, and its really piled sky high and i think after a couple of days my mailbox was just so full that i think i stopped receiving any mail!!
sorry sorry!!!
have just directed some mails to my gmail account so hopefully that will free up some hotmail space! haha

anyway, have been pretty busy with work this past week.. i even turned down st pats day partying!
went mad since wed and have been consistently doing my mountain of readings, and some journal work, so much so that ive managed to finish my readings at least the day before my lectures and today, today, today, im actually a little bit free of work!! woohoo!!
of course, i still have many things to do lah, just not immediate. wahaha, but i still should get on to it yes? hehe
plus the fact that next week is easter break so i dont have to kill myself too much! haha

okay actually trying to rush typing everything cos i have to go meet uma to discuss our film! heh, we're so gonna do a mad film together and it sounds crazy already!

and i missed palm sunday! i totally forgot! until i stumbled upon st patricks cathedral (which is totally breathtaking) on sunday evening and saw all the palms outside and i got a shock i tell you!!

hey erny and stacey and liz and anna and fiona!! heh sorry, im trying to rush like hell! still have to email my lecturer! liz i cant believe youre so blur! erny your new blog is nice! and stace i dont have your blog add! you changed is it? doesnt work! fiona and steph i owe you mails! steph your tights come to your armpits??? and belle why are you suddenly running and gyming??? mil happy baking!! i know what you mean about the distraction from studying thing! wahaha!

cha i love ya! hope you guys liked the cheese! its very good! keep it in a sealed container okay? then can last longer.. and the nuts!! there is ONE miserable namecard for darren (SORRY) in your ah-ma purse, and of course the beer tee is dad's.. *MAUK*

gotta go gotta go!!!


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