saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Saturday, March 05, 2005

i hope my sleeping schedule does not get thrown off.
i have been doing pretty good, waking up around 11 on days i have no school, and earlier on days that i have school. sleeping pretty early (by my standards lah!) at about 2am.
BUT TODAY!!!! i got out of bed at 2.20pm!!! AHHHH!!! this is the result of pub-hopping last night.
was at rachel's place for her house warming party thingamajig where she and her dad cooked yummilicious food and fed us pretty well. not to mention brownie, mango cake and cheesecake brought by her various guests..!
haha quite fun lah, there was this mad girl who wanted to eat only the fats of the roast pork that rachel's dad cooked!! and she went around eating everybody's unwanted slab of fat!!! i think after a while her boyfriend was like enough enough!!! heh scary girl lah she!
someone suggested going to puggs later which everyone agreed to, so off we went.
but they closed at 1am and nobody wanted to go home yet, so we all went in search of another place, and ended up jumping around the entrances of a few before settling into baropen again! sheesh, but nevermind..
anyway the point is, by the time i got back and got ready to sleep, it was 4 plus am! which lead me to wake up at 2.20pm!! haha mad story

oh, and when we were going home, a couple of ang moh guys inferred that we were prostitutes. hmm. uma thought it was funny.

i was also thrown into a horrible perspective of how disgustingly poor i am. friend of mine from sydney called last night and told me he bought a new car. a 2 seater mercedez convertible thats being custom made in germany. now his household will have 5 cars for 3 people, and only 2 of them drive. he might also buy a house, not to live in, but as an investment. its disgusting! and he is only one year older than me! what am i doing?!?!???


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