saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Thursday, March 10, 2005

sheesh okay so i was supposed to write a new post,
AND go around all your blogs and comment and all,
BUT after sitting here doing god know what rubbish for about 2 hours or so,
i have decided that im sick of sitting here, and im gonna get out!
haha i havent even replied to most of my mail! just a couple..!
sorry guys, soon okay.. haha

going to finish editing my little video with uma..
which i think will take another couple of hours,
and that means more time in front of the computer!

half price pasta today, and then going for mike's gig in the city!
so sickening, have to pay 10 bucks!
its for charity lah (i think!) but i'm a cheapo!
still coughing a bit, and awwwfully tired after yesterday's full day of tiring classes! life drawing was mad! he wanted us to draw the damn guy in boxes and i just couldnt do it!!
i couldnt see the man in 3D!! was struggling with it the entire lesson, which meant that i always could not finish my drawing in time!! ARGH!
not to mention that the ink paintings capturing poses was so fast! and hard!
although i wasnt as lost as the box drawings, i sometimes didnt know what i was doing!! pure madness!! a frantic 3 hours of workshop which left me completely drained that when i went home i just sat down and didnt know what to do!!!

okay i am tired just THINKING about it and recounting it!
so i better get outta here, and pee and meet uma (although i think shes not here yet)
heh byeee!!!


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