saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Monday, March 07, 2005

was very naughty last night and instead of going home after dinner at uma's place, i ended up staying and watching some nonsense tv and even watching a jackie chan movie! (the medallion. it was kinda crap.) and i hadnt even done my readings for today's lecture and tute! so by the time i got home and did my readings (one of which was terribly long and insane and i understood not one word of it) and went to sleep, it was 4 plus am! crap.

oh yes how could i forget. went for my first driving lesson yesterday!
well first lesson here lah.
and it wasnt too bad actually, i expected to do so much worse, seeing that i havent driven a mad manual car in over a year..??? haha
double lesson this sunday! i am going to be broke!
contrary to everyone's belief, it is not much cheaper here. the 20 something dollar lessons are only for a grand total of 45 mins, so a double lesson of 90 mins is gonna cost me 55 buckaroonies!! which i think its actually more expensive than back home. hmmm.. oh, but it is easier driving here though, they are super lenient to the max.
but then im not really used to the roads and weird rules around here.

btw, i am half sick.. i feel completely fine, except that i have so much phlegm. so i sometimes keep coughing. hmm okay so not really completely fine, i cant talk properly sometimes and my breathing is quite bad. haha like an entire week already! but i seem to be getting slightly worse! think i will never get well. crap.

hmm, i seem to be lacking behind in my work schedule already.
havent done research for wednesdays class.
havent done homework for wednesdays class.
havent done readings for wednesdays class.
(eh but i couldnt get the reader, they ran out!)
also havent got any ideas for tomorrows class! bahhhh
not to mention i dont understand much of todays class, and have to read up plenty on it!

okay lah im going to hang around looking for dvds before lecture in 20 mins (for a class im not taking! sheesh am i mad?)


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