saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Friday, April 08, 2005

haha its pretty ridiculous isnt it.. everytime i blog, i disappear for
about a week or so, then return saying how busy ive been??
hahaha all my entries will be about the same thing! my work! how
boring is that!?!
hmm so anyway, decided to talk about surprise surprise, MY WORK again!! haha
but there is more than one way to talk about work, soo....

for one of my visual arts classes, i came up with this idea of making
a series (i dont know of how many) of masks.. and thought it would be
pretty cool if they actually fit my face.. going to go back home
tonight and try molding it on my face itself..
but on the front of it, its gonna be something else.. well hopefully
it doesnt look like me, if not whats the point right..
was thinking of making faces of different people, like i could be a
boy, or an old lady, or a baby.. you know, stuff like that..
but i wonder if im actually able to mold stuff like that, so as an
alternative, i could just make it into a flat place, and have various
images, carvings, symbols whatever..?
and so in my research for this thing, the proposal of which is due on
monday, i suppose i had to research on facades and identity and the
exploration of the self.. you know, who am i kinda thing..
and suddenly i mind myself jumping into this giant world of psychology
and everywhere i go i find myself in a maze! i mean, apparently
identity can be explained in a mathematical formula!! where have i
been man?!?!??
and the thing its is most irksome, is that for all this reading of the
self, perception, personal identity, socialization and whatever else,
i cant for fucks sake, find something that explains why people put up
fronts! maybe im just not reading hard enough eh?
the closest ive got is narcissism which is also the need to be better
at something than everyone else, and then upping the external
self-esteem which means and even lower than normal internal
what about people who just dont want to show their true feelings for
whatever reason, people who dont want others to be affected by their
moods, or people who simply dont like sharing their feelings?????

myyyy goodness.. i really didnt know what i was getting myself into eh??
this weekend's gonna be a maaaadddd one! i mean.. writing a proposal
based on psychology, the parts of which i can find no info about?

hmm okay so i wanna tell you guys about my film project, cos i think
its pretty cool.. heh heh.. but maybe i'll leave that for another day
starting to freeze my butt off in here!! hehe
take care babes!!
hmm.. i believe all my blog readers are female??


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