saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Thursday, April 07, 2005

yep, you guessed it..! i have been swamped in work, and still am! its the week back from the easter break and i've been going so ballistic for the previous 4 days or so,what with giant proposals and essays due, that yesterday i treated myself to a strawberry bath and shower! cooked myself a nice big meal of salmon with some lemon and tartare sauce and crispy fried garlic, boiled potatoes with butter and cheese and a little pile of vegetables to go with it! looked so nice i tell you.. should have taken a picture dammit! but really! so nice to have everything nicely arranged on your plate.. just like a restaurant! haha okay i have to stop blowing my own horn now right.. then watched a bimbotic show while eating.. which was clueless by the way.. and snuggled into bed before 2 with my book..! (not readings) HEAVEENNNN... if only i could do this everyday..! but nope.. time to get my ass down to work again today cos ive got another giant proposal due on monday, and yep, im clueless!

heh okay its getting cold sitting in here and im going to try and get a job and the fish and chips shop near my place..? im really not sure if i'll die from it though (as in having a job now), but i guess i shall have to find out right? hehe wish me luck! and im hungry!


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