saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Sunday, April 17, 2005

why am i so conscious?!
its puzzling i tell you..

today i was looking for a couple of my t-shirts which were hanging in the laundry room to dry.. but when i looked, they werent there! and i checked my cupboard, and they werent there either!! and i checked twice! and then i found my hangers in the laundry room - without the clothes on them!
so my first thought is that the jap girl must have taken them by mistake, since the thai girl is away in france. but theres no way you dont know which clothes are yours and which arent. which led me to think that her bf must have kept them for her, and she didnt realise that he took my clothes as well.
but when i asked her about it, she told me that she thought they belonged to the thai girl and kept them in her room for her, so i could go look for them there.
which i did, and which is where i found my clothes.

end of story, right?
but the point of this story is, why am i so conscious?
and the thing was, in asking her if she's seen my t-shirts, i somehow couldnt bear to use the word "t-shirts".
i kept refering to them as "my laundry" or "my clothes".. even when she asked me what they were, i said they were just "two clothes"..!
i mean, two clothes?!?!?!
how werid is that? why couldnt i just bloody well say t-shirts!!!
i cant stand it..! and right after that i was so extremely puzzled with myself i couldnt bear it!
but unlike lizabeth's food for thought entries, mine doesnt actually have a conclusion, or a concluding theory for that matter, hence i have to leave you guys hanging in the air with my overconscious self story.


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