saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Sunday, April 17, 2005

how could i forget about this.

i had the worst night of sleep ever in my entire life. (well to my current memory at least)
i had a driving lesson today at 11 right, and so i went to bed at 2am..
but i tell you... i was still up at bloody 6 plus am!!
i even got out of bed a few times to pee, and go downstairs to the kitchen for nothing! maybe in the hope of finding something to make me sleep!
its insane i tell you..
the crazy thing is, i WAS TIRED!
think i finally fell asleep before 7am, but even then, it was not good sleep.
i still remember being half awake and even woke up at 820am???
was a terror trying to get back to sleep so i could wake up at 1030 and go for my driving lesson and not kill somebody! ERGH!

and all throughout the trying to sleep, and the time i was half asleep, i kept thinking about my work!!
in particular about my installation project, because frankly, i have no idea what to do for my final project yet! and its already week 7! and i am due to prepare installing my work in another 2-3 weeks, PLUS i am to write a description of it for week 8!!! i am absolutely going ballistic over this mad thing i tell you!
i keep getting stuck on this idea of apples with legs, and so i cant think of any other ideas, hence i keep morphing this "apples with legs" thing into something that i can actually do, and make it work.. but it keeps going crazy! and i always find something wrong with the idea! and even if i try to get a completely different idea, i find something wrong with it that makes it unfeasible and i end up back to apples with legs!
its completely killing me i tell you!
and this crazy sleeplessness happened the previous night as well..!
okay, granted i know how that one started in the beginning (i slept too much the night before and woke up too late, hence couldnt fall asleep in time) but still!!
its quite mad you know..

argh, anyway i didnt get my fish and chip job cos guess what, i was too chicken to even step into the damn shop to apply for it..? why?! i dont know. too self conscious? maybe. mad? yes. uncalled for? definitely.

this is ridiculous (my favourite word these days, it seems).
i have been here for 2 hours now, checking my mail, reading blogs, blogging, mailing and what not.
and i was supposed to go to the park to do my readings.
yes, the 3 weeks worth of readings that i have to catch up on since i was confused one week and too busy the other..
thank goodness i managed to finish almost this weeks readings so i have about 2 weeks more to catch up on.



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