saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Thursday, May 05, 2005

okay so i wrote this mail to my family, and unknowingly i wrote it like a blog entry.
sign of unfrequent entries?
anyway, i'm just gonna post it up here, so enjoy.


hello my lovelies,

i am extremely exhausted. hah.
been going a bit psycho this week with this giant essay thats due tomorrow.
okay so its not really giant, i just didnt really know how to do it, and it was killing me.
anyway the good news is, its almost finished. YAY! haha
all in one night. HAH!
just got some formatting and touching up left. HAPPY!

and despite sleeping so late/early, i still managed to wake up in time for class.! yay me! haha
as you can see, im very upbeat.. hur hur.

so the bad news is, i think ive eaten a mini kitchen.
apparently i eat so much when im trying to do work.
i actually think i dont have to eat anymore till at least sunday? hur hur.

in any case, is there such a thing as almond overload?
is it possible to eat too many almond kernels?
see right, i found these lovely cheap (well comparatively, i think nuts are pretty expensive) raw almond kernels at the supermarket 2 weeks ago, and i love raw almond kernels. hah.
and i got through like a small packet a week.
except this week, ive finished my packet already, and have gone to get another one.
that will make it 2 packets a week.
is that overkill..??? just something i was wondering when i got home after finishing my packet off last night and promptly trooped off to the supermarket at 11pm to get almond kernels.
and then it reminded me about this adrian mole book that i read.
adrian mole - the cappuccino years.
where adrian mole gets addicted to dried opal fruits and gets withdrawal symptoms when he doesnt get them. plus, he also develops bad bowel movements cos of them opal fruits.
and i cant help thinking, is that what will happen to me as a result of too many almond kernels?
i certainly hope not.

anyway, just a mini survey going on around here.
imagine this scenario. youre alone, and you sneeze. do you say excuse me?
okay, so not much of a scenario. hur hur.
but answer me please!

hmm, in other news, i drank too much last night (in addition to eating too much) before i went to bed.
and part of my dream featured me needing to pee all the time. the kind with a full bladder.
except after i peed, i would need to pee again immediately! again the kind with a full bladder!
and now i know why.

oh yes. i might become famous one day.
i was in the studio on tuesday working on my project, making feet for my apples, when the photography technician came up to me requesting to take pictures of me "at work".! if the school likes the shots, they might be used for some promotional material.
of course i was completely mortified.
but the good part of this is that apparently the school takes centuries to get anything done (and i believe that) so i might actually be dead before the pictures get used. hur.

another thing.
i found out that my primary school friend is A MOM!!!!!
AH! i was suddenly sent a link with some baby photos and that baby was apparently her daughter!!
HELP! and the kid is at least 6 months old as of the beginning of last month!
so she was delivered last year! when i was NOT EVEN 21 yet!!! ARGH!!!
this is so extremely shocking, i am feeling the need to tell everyone i know.

erm okay, so i think thats all the news i have for now.
im afraid this has turned out to be a rather lengthy (and unusual) mail.
not one which i intended to happen, i might add.



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