saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Tuesday, May 03, 2005

WOW!! im finally absolutely up to date with everyone's blogs on multiply!!
(sorry, have yet to conquer xanga, blogspot and lj..!)
plus i left comments! HA!
heh madness..

hmm im quite wasting time..
i have 2 days left to start and finish an entire essay on something i have no clue about and no idea what to write and i am sitting here in the carlton library (FIRST TIME!) blogging..
which i havent done in a long time.

not to mention that i am absolutely dead tired.
went to bed at 6am, couldnt sleep properly, got up at 9am and went to school.
planned to come home by 2.30 to at least get some shut eye or advance on my essay.
but nooooo..
crazily stayed in school till 4pm (making feet and papier mache-ing an apple) and then when i got home i decided to go to lie down and read a bit in the park!!!
which is why its almost 7 and i have done no work, and am not even home!
im talking in circles arent i??!???

anyway, in the middle or the night (try 4am), i decided to make glue?
you know that flour and water paste thing that you used in primary school??
haha so yes, it turned out a bit watery so i dont know if it works properly..
i'll find out tomorrow..
i hope it does.

my essay, my essaaayyyyyyyyy.........
massage, need a massageeeeee.....
go home, go home nooowwwww..!!!!!!!


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