saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Monday, July 04, 2005

wow, can this really be true..?
no posts at all from all the multiply people..??
fiona/liz/mil and erm hmm only 3 huh.. but you guys always managed to explode my mailbox man!
anyway everyone else also lah.. shuping and annabelle too!
i realise everyone must be off in bangkok or busy with their musical!
even steph's busy canoeing i am so jealous.

yesterday i woke up feeling the absolute worst day of being sick ever, which was incredibly annoying cos it just keeps bloody fluctuating! one day i'll wake up feeling better and then it'll be bad again.
but today, oh today! i think i woke up feeling the best ever! and i hope that doesnt mean that i'm gonna fluctuate back tomorrow.

i even managed to get myself out of the house to go watch a movie!
caught "my summer of love" for 5 bucks at nova!
the stupid thing is i ran into this girl and her friend and i ended up paying for their tickets as well cos no one had change to return me.. sheesh.
this is what i find most annoying about wanting to spend the day by myself.
i always end up running into people who i dont want to run into, and they somehow manage to think that i want to spend time with them and so they cling to me, and then i am stuck.
it simply destroys a perfectly good day/outing that i had planned for myself.
i really must learn how to tell people that i dont want their company.
which will never happen in a million years, so i am trapped forever!
okay, i am going on about this like a maniac so i shall stop now.

its quite scary, really.
uma and joe are gonna come back in a couple of days, then it'll be farewell to joe, and then im going to sydney the next week for maybe a week or so, then when i come back it'll be just in time for school to start again, and before i know it the semester is over, and i'll be graduating, and outta australia forever.
and now im freaked out.

how do i know what's real?
and what's not?
is imagination so powerful that it can create something that eventually materialises in reality?
that when it vanishes it can cause the emotional stablity of a person to collapse?
i cant decide which is better, to have or to disappear.


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