saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Sunday, May 22, 2005

hmm! its only 6!! i thought it was much later than that actually..
came into the labs at 5 to do some research, and have finished!
couldnt find most of the art works that i was looking for, thats why lah..

anyway havent blogged/mailed anyone in a long time so i feel like i have so much to spew!

biggest news, I PASSED MY DRIVING TEST!!
SO much easier than in singapore i tell you, if i was taking it back home i think i would have failed.
PLUS it was like so short!
this car almost rammed into me at the intersection but it wasnt my fault so i think the tester didnt penalise me for it.
i have the crummiest photo on it man, messy hair all. look like i just woke up! EEKS!

my mom passed her basic theory test too man! congrats! like finally lah.. after thinking that she would fail YET AGAIN! haha but she passed! hurrah!

arsenal won the FA CUP!! HAHA to the team that came second, no name calling here, im nice that way.

belle you moved out of hall?? how come?? dont you have another year to go? not doing honors?

steph i didnt know your dinner was last night..! i would have called then! haha miss you all so much man..

poor fiona, everyone's going off so who's gonna watch her musical?! all you horrid people..!

shuping, you have so much makeup its not funny! its disgusting i tell you.. crazy girl!

ah sorry rag, will try to reply your mail soon!!

im going quite mad, spent all of thursday and friday night in the editing studios from 5 till 2 am!! crazy!! and again on monday and most likely tuesday as well!
the film is due on wednesday lah..! bahh.. plus its crazy cold walking home at 2am man! mad wind and loss of feeling in your fingertips!! so cold its not funny!

on top of all that, my mask project is due on wednesday too! was supposed to be due one week later, but cos of the shit exhibition thats happening, the deadline was pushed ahead by one week! how crazy is that! and they only gave us a week's notice! so disgustingly annoyed i tell you.!
and i spent 63 bucks on acrylic sheets just to make a bloody shelf for these blasted masks!
i tried to make 2 more full masks yesterday and i think i nearly killed myself! cos i mastered my technique of creaming the plaster so well, that all the holes were so properly covered and didnt give me enough air holes to breathe! had to sit down and concentrate so hard on breathing and taking deep long breaths i tell you!
and i lost more eyebrows to the masks.. all for the sake of art... geeezzzz.....
silly me didnt bring home the gesso primer so i cant paint those 2 masks today.. have to wait till tmr to do it, and i might not have time cos i'll be assembling my shelf!
ahh.. listen to me rambling!

leaving my apples alone for a while.. till wednesday at least, when ive handed in my film and my masks.. then i have the weekend to get them in character before i have to assemble them to install!

cleaned out my room yesterday man so fulfilling.. my room was seriously like a junkyard i tell you.. i had this giant collection of assorted boxes and bottles that i thought i might wanna use for my projects, and i decided to get rid of them yesterday! and it filled up an entire garbage bag!! i was horrified man.!
and finally vacuumed my room, all the plaster flakes and powder everywhere.. all gone!
and did a GIANT load of laundry man..! i had totally forgotten to do laundry for so long that i had no more home clothes left to wear!! MADNESS!!

okok i went to do something else and now its almost 7!! i should go man..
hmm, for some reason i was thinking of going running today, but i guess not anymore huh! too late!
shuping i just read your comment to me..! about me thinking i dont have to exercise cos im a skinny ass..???!?!!! HMPF!! im going to run next week okay...! hopefully i actually get down to it lah huh.. HAHA!!

okay so im going home now ir not it will be too cold!! and im in slippers somemore!


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