saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Thursday, July 28, 2005

my bicycle has been stolen.. well just today i think.. or yesterday..
see right, i left my bike in school yesterday but im sure i saw it before i left.. and today, there's just the helmet and chain on the floor..!!!!!
can you believe it..? someone actually wants to steal my horrible looking bike..!
and i have had it for like one and a half months..!!
UGH!!! i am in shock!

anyway, tired.. gonna check on my fil..
dont think im gonna do contact sheet today though..
too late, and too lazy and too tired..?
from what i also dont know lah.. crap.
got a proposal due in 2 weeks already..! shit man.


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