saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Wednesday, July 06, 2005

hmm been working on a new layout for the past couple of hours, and it actually went much faster than expected!
i was quite lost at first cos its been a long time since ive touched this coding and shit, but after a while i managed to get the hang of css style sheets and im quite proud of myself lah, didnt have as many glitches as i did when i was doing my first one. but then again, its just a simple layout lah..

as you can see, i havent put up the new template yet, cos i just added a new pic on the site!!
hehe these little guys are the apples with feet that i did for my installation project..! hehe very excited about them cos i like them so much! theyre my babies! and i think a lot about them, and their future! hahaha

anyway, does anybody know the codes to make a transparent scrollbar?!?!!!! the best i can do is make the damn thing white, but that still means a goddamn white strip in the middle of the image and it annoys me to hell man..! ergh!

oh but i think i had a fulfilling day today man..! read my book (as usual), cooked soup for dinner, and took my bike out to the park for a swing on the swing!! (what else) wheeheeheeeeee... the first time ive brought it out since i spray painted it copper..! so cool man..! well at least i think it looks cool lah.. i know the work's a bit shoddy but i did what i could with limited paint! so it'll have to do.. heh..!


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