saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Tuesday, August 16, 2005

oh wow i think im so going crazy.

so many things to do, and so many things to think about, and plan, and prepare, and settle, and what not, i cant get any peace..!

i was in such a state last night i just wanted to die.
and i was tired! from what i also dunno lah..
but its such a waste of time to go to bed cos theres just so much to catch up on.
and i feel a sore throat thing coming on, i hope i dont fall sick..! its just not the time..!

and in the end i decided to sleep for 3 hours, then wake up at 3 and start work all the way till class the next afternoon..
except that when i tried to fall asleep, i couldnt!
i was just crazily thinking of all the stuff i had to do, and it just bugged me so much i went nuts!
and in the end the only way i could get all this work out of my mind was to read a book..! like a story book book you know.. not like doing readings and shit..
but yeah man, i cant believe it..! im going psycho!!

anyway i started work at 3 and okay lah, did my stuff and all and you know what..
i felt so much better after that okay..!
like by 11.30 in the morning i was thinking about dying already, but i felt so relieved! you know what i mean..?!?
and i fell asleep for like an hour before forcing myself to get up for class, which was a totaly waste of time by the way, i swear that guy is so "ill" i could slap him.
but the stupid thing was for some reason, the techs had so many demonstrations to do that workshop was almost all taken up..!
which totally ate up my time for reworking on my apples, which i was supposed to finish today..! but obviously have not!
plus was supposed to play with the other clay, which also did not happen.. sheesh
and take some photos, which did not happen either..! and after that it was just too dark, and also too late to go somewhere else to shoot!
so i did nothing of my to do list for today..
well except some errands and stuff lah..
the only work i managed to get through was going through the online lecture for the one i missed last week..!
and now im so shit tired man.
and hungry.

PLUS, this tech really made annoyed me man..
just because i dont have a concrete plan for my project she goes and gives me looks when i say im going to work in the downstairs studios..
she just obviously doesnt believe that im actually going to do work, as opposed to running off home to sleep..!
wah lao just bloody pissed me off man..!
i just wanted to invite her down to watch me man.!
really know.. i was so tempted to ask steve to inform her that im still here..
even contemplated getting a serious injury so that when she hears about it she'll know i really was there..
how can man..! bloody hell..
so bloody pissed with her..!! ergh!

and my lecturer didnt tell me about the installation for open day being on wednesday..!
she said it was on friday, but now steve says he's rushed on friday, so its got to be tomorrow, and my apples are so not ready, PLUS i would have brought my masks in today if i had known!
its just a wrong day to be rushing all over campus with the damn masks tomororow lah..
why liddaattttt......

oh well..
at least i dont feel so stressed now that ive stayed up last night to do as much as possible..
just finish up my readings and im done..
everything else that happens tomorrow, i cant prepare for today..
so thats alright, for now lah.

for now.


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